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Sabtu, 25 Mei 2013

Planet-Planet Menari Mei - Juni 2013

Peristiwa tersebut dapat diamati dengan mata telanjang mulai tanggal 24 Mei hingga 3 Juni 2013 setiap setelah Matahari terbenam. 

Planet-planet menari atau Dance of the Planet ini merupakan istilah yang diberikan kepada planet-planet di tata surya dimana pada saat yang bersamaan kita dapat melihatnya di langit secara langsung. (Kafe Astronomi)

Tidak semua planet akan nampak 'menari' pada watu yang disebutkan diatas, tetapi hanya tiga planet saja, yaitu Venus, Jupiter, dan Merkurius. Ketiga planet tersebut akan tampak saling berdampingan. Meski kenyataannya, mereka terpisah sejauh jutaan kilometer.
Salah satu hal penting dalam hukum tata surya: "Seluruh planet terus mengelilingi matahari, tanpa henti".
Rutinitas yang pada dasarnya berasal dari hukum gravitasi ini, memungkinkan ilmuwan memprediksi pergerakan planet dengan akurat. Dari hukum itu, peneliti memprediksi bila Venus dan Jupiter akan berada dalam jarak 1 derajat. Untuk menambahkan kilauannya, Merkurius berada tak jauh di atas mereka.

Meski kelihatannya dekat, sesungguhnya Jupiter berada sejauh 660 juta kilometer lebih dari Venus. Saat itu pula planet Venus akan bersinar 6 kali lebih terang dari pada planet Jupiter dan akan berjarak 774 juta kilometer dari Merkurius. Merkurius merupakan planet yang selalu sulit dilihat. Namun dalam 'tarian' itu, dia akan mudah terlihat di arah barat, setelah matahari terbenam.

Jika ingin mencoba melihat keindahan alam ini, tunggulah sampai matahari terbenam dan langit barat sudah gelap. Lalu, carilah dua planet cerah; di bagian terendah ada Jupiter dan di atasnya terdapat Venus yang lebih cerah. Tak lupa si Merkurius yang kecerlangannya sedikit lebih pucat di atas keduanya.

Namun, untuk mengamatinya peristiwa ini bagaimana cara untuk membedakan planet dan bintang dengan mata telanjang?
Caranya mudah, Cahaya planet tampak lebih terang, stabil, dan ukurannya lebih besar dibandingkan dengan bintang, selain itu Cahaya bintang tampak berkelap-kelip, sedangkan cahaya planet cenderung tidak berkelap-kelip.

Berikut gambar hasil screenshot dari Stellarium yang memperlihatkan posisi dari planet Merkurius, Venus dan Jupiter :  

Dari gambar-gambar diatas terlihat planet Merkurius, Venus dan Jupiter akan memberikan pertunjukan menarik yang rendah di langit barat laut saat senja, segera setelah matahari terbenam. Mereka akan terus mengubah posisinya setiap malam berikutnya seakan mereka menari-nari di langit.

Selamat menari, selamat menikmati keindahan ciptaan Allah SWT yang penuh seni.

Short Function Text

1.    Caution / Notice / Sign


The Purpose : to inform people if the floor is still wet.


The Purpose of notice above : tell people if no smoking allowed in that area because some reason such us in air conditioner’s room


The purpose of that sign : tell people if the floor is still wet.

2.    Invitation

    Dear Dila,
    Let’s have fun at my birthday party. Please, come to my house on Monday, Sept 9th 2013 at 4 p.m in the my house.
    I won’t happy without your coming.
    Thank You

The purpose of greeting card above : Nino invite Dila to come in her birthday party on Monday, Sept  9th 2013 at 4 p.m in her house, and Nino really hope Dila will come to her party.
NB : Nino is a girl not boy.

3.    Announcement

 The purpose of the announcement above :  to tell student that will be a school trip to Golden Sand Beach On the 28th August, start at 07.30 a.m and the announcement also tell the program and the fee, and the student also can ask Vita Zaskia to know more clearly. And the announcer is Mr. Rohman as a chair man.

4.    Advertisement

    Using the best course method of teaching
    With a qualified teacher
    You will get the right place to learn English
    Be communicative with us
    Never think anymore; PRACTICE!!!
    100 % money back if you can't speak English

    Interested? Find us on 211 Sky Road, Jakarta.
    For more details, visit us on englishindo.com

The purpose of the advertisement above : to tell people that “SKY ROAD, in Jakarta” is the place to learn English with best course method and qualified teacher and money will back 100% if you still can’t speak English, And for more information can visit on web englishindo.com

5.    Letter

    For Nike in Bandung
    My Beloved Friend

    Hi how are you ? I hope you and your big family are fine.
    Long time no see and do you know? I miss you so much, not only you, but I miss Bandung so much. Sometimes I want to visit you, and I also want to go on holiday in around Bandung all day. But I must wait to holiday’s school. But, no problem, Someday I will make sureprise to you. When you get up from your dream and open your eyes, I will be there with you in your bedroom. Hihihi  Must be very exciting.. what do you think friend ? And if one day I can really see you, I hope you not forget to me and exciting experiences we have had  together.
    And, I want to hear your new story about your garden’s tea and your pretty “Rabbito”..
    Nike,, please say to your Mom’s, I miss “Cikole” and Batagor made of your Mom’s so much.. I miss Bandung and all in there.. hahaha..
    That’s all Nik. I hope you will reply this letter. I will wait it, friend.

                                                                                   Love and hug,

The Purpose : To inform that Sophie send a letter for her beloved friend that live in Cikole,Bandung. And in Sophie’s Letter, she say if she very miss Nike and her beloved city “Bandung”.  Sophie say if she also miss to story of Nike’s Garden and Rabbito “Nike’s Rabbit” and Nike’s Moms because Sophie’s very want to enjoy the delicious Batagor made of Nike’s Mom.

6.    Memo (3)

In the memo above, Dina remind Nove to don’t forget wash her socks. So the purpose on it : Dina remind Nova if Dina ask Nova to wash her socks.

The purpose : Mom’s tell Nino that she go to the Lumajang while Nino’s Uncle will come to her house at 4 p.m that day, so Mom’s ask Nino to help Mom’s to clean the bedroom for Nino’s Uncle before Nino's Uncle arrive.

The purpose of memo above : Marlenne tell Evi with memo if she can’t meet with Evi today because Marlenne have to go to see a doctor so Marlenne want Evi to meet Marlenne tomorrow or one day after that day.

7.    Greeting Card
    Dear Nina, My Beloved Sister
    Congratulation on your 14th birthday . I hope you can get everything like your wish, ,I hope you can be more diligent . Keep Fighting , always do the best and Good Luck ! ^_^  Wish u all the best and Allah blessing you.
    Your Sister

  The purpose of greeting card above : Wati as the sender say congratulation to Nina in Nina's 14th birthday, Wati also hope and pray for Nina,and don't forget Wati also give some advise for Nina,her beloved Sister.

Jumat, 10 Mei 2013

Narrative Text

In the Pixie Hollow .. Lived Various kinds of fairies are adapted to each their jobs.
for example, the water fairy responsible for managing the wave river, fairy gardens responsible for managing the pollination process of flowers and there are many other fairies. The leader of fairies is Queen Clarion.
End of autumn,  the fairies are preparing for coming of spring. At the time Queen Clarion created a new fairy woman. Ceremony held to know the talent of this fairy. In front of the new fairy there are many types of tools used by the fairies work. The new fairy almost touch one of many tools, but all of the tool lost, and only one last tool, that is Hammer. Queen Clarion said “Come forward, tinker fairy. Welcome member of your talent, Tinkerbell”. Tinkerbell is very beautiful fairy but she did not want to accept that she was a Tinker fairy, because in her opini Tinker is poor dan lowly jobs. “I don’t wanna be just a stupid Tinker”
Finally, clank and boble, her Tinker Fairies Friend are broken heart because it.
Tinkerbell want to be other fairy, she asked other fairy to teach their jobs to Tinkerbell. Tinkerbell try to be other fairy, but she always failed. However, Tink never give up, she keep on trying, over Someday.. She ask Vidia to teach him how to be a garden fairy. Tinkerbell not know if Vidia doesn’t like to Tinkerbell. Of course, Vidia refused but since Tinker very force, finally Vidia agreed, but in fact Vidia has an evil plan.
When Tinkerbell almost succeeded, Vidia did her evil plans .. Finally, wild thorn plants run into Pixie Hollow and destroy all the preparations of spring. Queen Clarion was very angry and disappointed at Tinkerbell, and reminded that her own self is a Tinker and decide that Spring must postponed.
Tinkerbell feeling fault and trying to find an alternative to speed up preparations to avoid the pending of spring. Tinkerbell was very sad, and when tinkerbell give up and want to go out from pixie hollow,.. Terence.. her true friend.. always be there with Tinkerbell... “be proud with your talent”and terence give some advice for Tinker. And finally, Terence can get up the spirit of  Tinker Bell. Tinker Bell get up and try to make kind of tools where the tools can speed up the preparation, so the preparation can finished on time. and tinkerbell successfull.. all fairy so proud with tinkerbell, not except with Fairy gary (the leader of Tinker fairies job) and queen clarion..
Now Tinkerbell realized that her true self is a Tinker fairy, and she does not need to be other self since the tools used another fairy are made of Tinker fairy, and it is a glorious job.

Moral Value :
1) Only be Your Self..  Understand the meaning of “Only Be Your Self”... and do it... Cause you can shine when you’re always be your Self..
2) Wonder is all around, Every heart is a perfect part of natures great design and who you are no matter who you are can shine.

Kata-Kata baru yang ditemukan dan dihafalkan dalam cerita di atas Nino :
Responsible for managing : Bertanggung Jawab untuk Mengelola
Pollination proses : Proses Penyerbukan
Come forward : Silahkan Maju (seperti ucapan selamat datang)
Poor and lowly job : Pekerjaan rendah dan miskin
Evil Plan : Rencana jahat
Force : Memaksa
Wild Thorn Plants : Tanaman Liar Berduri
Destroy : Menggangu
Preparations : Persiapan
Disappointed : Kecewa
Since : Sejak
Reminded : Mengingatkan
Decided : Memutuskan
Postponed : Menunda (ditunda)
Fault : Kesalahan
Avoid : Hindari
Pending : Tertunda
Realized : Sadar
Glorious Job : Pekerjaan yang mulia